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What is Parents As Teachers?

The Parents as Teachers (PAT) Evidence-Based Model is the comprehensive home-visiting, parent education model. The model provides services to families with children from prenatal through kindergarten. We follow the guidelines set forth by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for PAT. Parents as Teachers provides support to meet those requirements as well as further quality standards that represent best practices in the field. Our work with the professional community helps young children grow up healthy, safe and ready to learn.

Our internationally recognized network of organizations and professionals supports hundreds of thousands of families in all 50 states as well as many other countries through a proven parent education model featuring intimate, in-home visits with parents and children ages prenatal to 5 years (prior to starting kindergarten). Parents As Teachers is based on two important concepts: (1) Parents are their child's first and most influential teacher and (2) Experiences in the first years of a child's life are key to future success in school and in life.

Be sure to watch this short video celebrating National Parents as Teachers Day and showing how Parent Educators provide invaluable tools to families.